Have you ever tried a new skincare product, only to discover that it makes your skin flare up with pimples? This could be one of two things. Your skin is either purging VS experiencing breakouts.

What is Purging

When your skin is adjusting to the new product, and persevering with the product will eventually make your skin better. In fact, the sudden crop of pimples means that it’s working as intended.

What is Skin Breaking Out

When your skin is breaking out because it’s sensitive to something in the product. It could be clogging your pores, or causing an allergy, or just plain old irritation. Continuing with the product will just make the situation worse.

If your skin is purging, you need to keep going.

If your skin is reacting, you need to stop using the product.

How do you tell the difference? Here’s the lowdown:

What Causes Purging

To understand the difference between purging and plain old breakouts, we need to understand how they happen.

How a Pimple Forms

Firstly, we need to look at how a pimple forms. A pore becomes clogged. Usually by dead skin cells that don’t detach and get to the surface properly. Then, forms what’s called a microcomedone.

Microcomedones aren’t visible at the surface of the skin. Sometimes they’ll develop into a whitehead, blackhead, pimple or full-blown cyst. Sometimes they’ll go away on their own without you noticing. It can take up to 8 weeks for a microcomedone to surface.

How Purging Happens

Here’s how purging can actually work. If a product speeds up skin turnover (the rate at which skin cells are shed and replaced), then the entire cycle will be accelerated and microcomedones will turn into whiteheads, blackheads, pimples, or cysts more quickly. So, you’ll suddenly see a rush of blemishes rearing their ugly heads.

If the product is irritating (which most skin turnover-accelerating products are), some microcomedones that weren’t going to show up might join the party too, since inflammation is one of the factors causing acne. However, these microcomedones were in the skin before you started the new product, not new blockages caused by the product.

Now, remember how the microcomedone started as dead skin cells that didn’t detach and get to the surface properly? Products that increase skin turnover target this exact process to treat acne!

So as the product starts to work, less microcomedones should form, and after the initial angry-volcano stage your skin should become clearer than when you started the product.

Don’t miss: How Does Rejuvenating Set Treat Pimples?

Purging VS Breakouts

On the other hand, a reaction will occur when the product is either causing new clogged pores, or increasing irritation without an improvement in how your skin is functioning because you’re sensitive to it. New clogged pores means more blemishes overall, while irritation means inflammation, which means a larger proportion of your microcomedones are flaring up.

There’s a small chance that your skin will get used to the product over time, but most of the time you’ll just cause further damage and it’s time to find a better product.

A lot of “all-natural” companies like to claim that their products are causing purging because your skin is detoxifying from all the synthetic chemicals you’ve been using previously – this is a big fat lie. Why would your skin suddenly get angry about having less synthetic chemicals on it? (Even if synthetic chemicals were bad – which they’re not!)

Unless there’s something increasing skin turnover in the natural skincare product (e.g. fruit acids, which contain AHAs), the more likely explanation is that there’s an irritating ingredient giving your skin grief.

So is it Purging or a Plain Old Breakout

There are a few things to consider to work out if it’s purging or a reactive breakout, and therefore whether you should dump your product or persevere. A lot of the time it can be difficult to tell which it is, but hopefully these guidelines can help you narrow it down.

What Sort of Product is it

Products containing active ingredients that increase skin turnover can cause purging. Purging is a well-documented response to tretinoin, for example, although you won’t find the term “purging” used in the scientific journals (they use descriptions like “exacerbation of inflammatory lesions at the start of treatment” or “initial flare up of acne lesions (acne flaring)”).

Active ingredients and treatments that increase skin turnover include:

  • hydroxy acids (glycolic, lactic, malic, mandelic, salicylic, lactobionic acids; gluconolactone; “fruit acids”)
  • retinoids (retinol, tretinoin, adapalene, tazarotene, isotretinoin, retinyl palmitate)
  • benzoyl peroxide
  • chemical peels, lasers, microdermabrasion
  • other exfoliants (scrubs, brushes, enzyme exfoliants)

Most other products, like moisturizers and cleansers without these actives, won’t be able to cause purging and you should switch to a different product.

Read also: Do’s And Don’ts When Using Rejuvenating Set

Where are the Breakouts Occurring

If it’s purging, it should only make pre-existing microcomedones come to the surface faster, so if you’re breaking out in places where you don’t normally experience breakouts, it’s likely that the product is wrong for you. However, if it’s an irritating product, it could be making the type of acne you’re experiencing worse.

For example, an area where you used to have clogged bumps and whiteheads could start developing full-blown pimples thanks to the extra inflammation.

How Long is The Purge

Purging should only last for about a month, since that’s the length of time it take for your skin to completely renew itself. If your skin isn’t getting better after around 6-8 weeks with the new product, ditch it.

Also read: Rosmar Kagayaku Rejuvenating Kit

How Can I Reduce the Severity of a Purge

If you’re about to start a new product with an ingredient that can cause purging and you want to limit the severity of a purge, there’s some evidence that introducing the new product slowly can help. This means starting at a lower concentration, starting at a smaller amount, using it less frequently, or washing it off after a few minutes before gradually increasing to the recommended usage.

Helping your skin function at its best will also reduce irritation and speed recovery: ensuring that your skin stays hydrated with the use of humectant moisturizers and moisturizers in general, using a gentle cleansing routine, using anti-irritant or anti-inflammatory products and protecting your skin from the sun.

Have any question or inquiry, please comment below.

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  1. Hello,
    I am a young black woman (30 years) with oily acne prone skin, a lot of dark marks and dullness. I would like to gey rid of my acne and hyperpigmentation while also brightening my skin and smoothing my skin texture. Which product would you recommend please?

    1. Hello Lindsey Fossouo,

      Thank you for reaching out! It’s great to hear that you’ve already ordered the Skinlite Cream from rejuvenatingsets.com. That’s definitely a good choice for addressing your concerns about acne, hyperpigmentation, and dullness, while also brightening and smoothing your skin texture.

      Just a friendly reminder: since you’ll be using the Skinlite Cream, it’s important to use a suitable sunscreen during the day and even after using the cream. Sunscreen helps to protect your skin from harmful UV rays, which can worsen hyperpigmentation and cause further damage. So, incorporating sunscreen into your skincare routine will ensure that you get the best results from the Skinlite Cream while keeping your skin healthy and protected.

      If you have any other questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask!

      Rejuvenating Sets
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  2. Hello, I’ve been using exfoliating rejuv set for almost 1 week. I noticed that when I’m using the set for day, pores come out in my T zone. What should I do po kaya?

  3. I’ve been using a rejuvenating set. when i started using it before, goods naman sya, but sa pagiging sakim inihalo ko sa ibang rejuv set and ayown irritation, i’ve stop using it to heal my face, and after 4 months i tried using it again. After using it again for 3 days, i had acne on some part of my face which normally naman ako nag kaka acne but the acne is kinda sensitive, itchy and red more of like a papule or maybe cyst, can i still use it paba or i ditch na po, problem ko po kasi acne, and pansin ko po ever since nung nag ka irritation ako, naging sensitive na face ko and daling mag break out. sana masagot po

  4. Hello, I’ve been using this mild rejuvenating set for almost 2 weeks. I noticed that when I’m applying sa neck parts is parang nagkaroon akong bumps. And also, I have small bumps sa right cheek and sa jawline parts parang nag break out ako. But normally hindi naman ako nagkaka pimples dun. Then, sa right cheek ko dun talaga amg gusto kung mawala, kasi doon lang talaga ako nag bibreak out. Is it normal po to have those bumps sa new areas. Hindi naman po grabe pero nag overthink lang ako na baka hindi effective for me, gusto ko lang malaman ng maaga para ma stop ko at hindi lumala. I hope for your response po. Thank you.

  5. hello .Nag rejuv po ako saktuhin q sana na 2 box kase nag glass skin nmn akp pro ndi nawala totally pimples ako sa left chin .pro sa 2ndbox ngkron ako bgla ako ng breakout both sides ng pisngi .What should I do kaya .Plan ko pa naman sana mg continue dun sa maitenance set ng rejuv na to .Im so stress dahil sa breakout

  6. Hello po admin. 1 week napo ako nagrerejuvinating toner Rdl3 po gamit ko. Parang dumami po yung black heads and white heads and some pimples po normal lang poba yun? Sana masagot. Salamat

  7. Pahabol question ko po admin.

    Normal lang po yung biglang pag-itim nang mga tigyawat ko sa mukha kapag nag dry na?

    Di naman ganito pimples ko noon nung di ako gumagamit nang rejuv.

    Sana masagutan.

  8. Hello po.

    What if po may natira sa sunscreen at kojic soap ko after a month of using, pwede ko pa ba yun gamitin hanggang maubos?

    Wala pong negative effect kapag lagpas a month ko ginamit yung sunscreen at soap?


    1. Hello po. Nag patch test po ako. So far wala namang negative reaction yung face ko, sa gilid nang lips at sa gilid nang ilong lang po tlga umitim.

    1. Hello i benn using brilliant rejuv for 10 days now, can I use oxecure spot treatment while using rejuv(hydroquinone brilliant)

    2. Hello Rhealyn,

      It is not recommended to use both Brilliant Rejuv and Oxercure spot treatment at the same time. Brilliant Rejuv contains hydroquinone, which is a bleaching agent that can be used to lighten dark spots and hyperpigmentation. Oxercure spot treatment also contains hydroquinone, as well as benzoyl peroxide, which is an antibacterial agent that can be used to treat acne. Using both products together can irritate your skin and make it more sensitive to the sun.

      Rejuvenating Sets
      While you’re here, check out: SkinLite Hydroquinone Tretinoin Mometasone Furoate Cream: Composition, Concentrations, Benefits, and Usage

  9. Good day!
    I have been fairyskin derma for 2weeks now and so far konting peeling na lang and kitang kita na yung effect. Pwede ko na ba i.stop ang paggamit neto then switch to my maintenance na milder which is Dr. Sensitive?
    Thank you po.

  10. Hello i would like to ask if it is safe using peeling mask to remove blackheads or whiteheads while on the process of using rejuvinating set? Because it’s been a week i’ve been using sy glow rejuv set and yeah like u said earlier its normal to have purging. But my black heads and white heads also are coming out and i want to remove them. So is it safe to use peeling mask?

    1. hi, recently i’ve been using skin perfect rejuvenating set for days and my skin looks like it get ran over by a caterpillar ( tilas) should i continue or stop?

    2. Hello chelseaa..,

      While it is true that some side effects like skin peeling and initial skin sensitivity can be normal when using a rejuvenating set, it’s crucial to assess the severity of the side effects. If the “ran over by a caterpillar” appearance is causing significant distress or discomfort, it may be wise to discontinue use or take a break for a couple of days until the side effects subside.

      Rejuvenating Sets
      While you’re here, check out: What is the No. 1 Rejuvenating Set?

  11. I’m currently using Skin Sensation’s rejuv set. It’s my 6th night. My routine is
    6 am : Kojic-toner-sunblock
    10am: Kojic soap
    12nn: Bathing (Kojic soap in face)
    4pm: Kojic Soap
    8pm: Kojic-toner-Rejuv cream.

    Mali po ba na palagi akong naghihilamos gamit yung Kojic? Sobrang hapdi din po kasi. And pag mahapdi, hindi ko na kaya yung sobrang tagal. 20 seconds palang, nagbabanlaw na ako ng face. Is it okay?

  12. Hi, Im using ryx clearbomb as my rejuv set for 3 days now. Tiny red bumps like rashes appeared on my face, but it isn’t itchy nor painful. Should I continue using the product?

    1. Hi. I’ve been using ryx clearbomb for at least 6 days now. In the first 3-4 days my face starts to peel and my face get tighten it is hard to open my mouth because its causing me pain and also some part of my face becomes dark. This is my first time to use a skin care product. How long should I wait to stop using the product? or should I continue applying or should I stop now to prevent damaging my skin? I am worried that my skin will not go back to normal. Thank you.

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