As beauty enthusiasts, we’re always on the hunt for the next big thing to give us that radiant, glowing complexion and healthy, luscious locks. Two ingredients that have gained significant attention in recent years are niacinamide and green tea extract. Both have been touted for their impressive antioxidant abilities, which can help protect our skin […]
Thawing the Freeze: Revive and nourish your winter-weary skin with these simple tricks
Thawing the Freeze: Revive and Nourish Your Winter-Weary Skin Winter is a time of dry, harsh weather that can leave our skin feeling dry, dull, and tired. As the temperatures drop, our skin’s natural moisture barrier is compromised, leading to dryness, flakiness, and irritation. But fear not! With a few simple tricks and skincare tips, […]
Celebrities with Pink Hair: From Pale, Pastel to Outrageous Shades [PHOTOS]
The pink hair trend isn’t losing any steam in 2021. The pink hair trend is one of the longest-lasting hair trends and it’s still going strong. Since last year, celebrities have been going crazy with this hair trend and the masses have followed suit. The Cut reported that pink hair was initially spotted on celebrities such […]
How to Use Dryer Sheets To Tame Frizzy Hair
Frizz is a constant issue for everyone who has hair. Frizzy hair can be the result of over washing, lack of moisture and humidity. While there are tons of anti-frizz hair products in the market, many find them a useless and unnecessary expense. Depending on one’s hair type, anti-frizz products can also weight hair down […]
DIY Shadow Root Hair: How To Obtain Viral Hair Development At Home
While Covid-19 is raging on, common journeys to the salon might not as doable or as secure. When you’re apprehensive about overgrown roots, you’ll be able to breathe straightforward. DIY Shadow root hair, or the creation of distinction between the roots and the remainder of your hair, is on pattern now. In accordance with Glamour, […]
How To Get Thicker Hair? Fake it!
You can’t grow thicker hair, but you can fake it! Here’s how To Get Thicker Hair. There are three types of hair textures – fine, medium, and thick. Hair texture is something you’re born with. Unfortunately, if your genetics gave you that fragile fine hair, you can’t make it grow thicker. If you’re after that […]
How To Bleach Hair At Home Safely
Can’t wait for salons to open? Here’s how to bleach hair at home without damaging it. While it is easy enough to dye your hair at home with store-bought hair color, bleaching is another story. You’ll be risking scalp burns and might up end with orange hair. If you have dark hair and want to […]
The Best Hair Dryer for Every Hair Type
With salons banning blow-drying services thanks to Covid-19, find The Best Hair Dryer for Every Hair Type to use at home. Did you know that because of Covid-19, some salons are banning blow-drying services to avoid the airflow of germs? As reported in Vogue, Van Michael salons in Atlanta is one of those chains observing […]
How To Lighten Hair Naturally
While salons usually use bleach to achieve lighter hair colors, it has harmful side effects that your scalp and hair will endure for quite a while. Bleaching up to the roots, which will have to be done especially for brunettes, will cause burns that will itch and eventually form scabs on your scalp. Your hair […]
How To Prevent Hair Loss
Excessive hair fall? Don’t stress. Read this and learn How To Prevent Hair Loss. It is perfectly normal to shed hair daily. While it sounds like a lot, 80 strands a day is an acceptable amount. If you would like to see less hair on your bathroom drain, there are several things one can do on […]