December 5, 2020 How Do You Get Pink Eye?

How Do You Get Pink Eye?

Chances are, you share eye makeup. Find out how else can you get pink eye here. Pink eye or conjunctivitis is a common eye infection that causes pink or red-tinged eyes. If you have noticed that your eye or eyes are pinkish, unusually itchy, and watery, chances are you have it and you can be highly contagious. But what’s the culprit?

For bacterial conjunctivitis, take a closer look at your makeup kit and ask yourself these questions: Do you share mascara or makeup brushes with siblings or friends? Are you holding on to makeup that are years old? Are you sure your hands are clean before applying makeup? These questions hold the key to your pink eye. Dermatologists state that since our eyelashes naturally have bacteria on them, the brush is already contaminated as soon as you use a makeup brush on the eyelash or eyelid. Constant use builds up bacteria and of course the buildup is fast-tracked if you have an infection.

Pink Eye Symptoms

For bacterial pink eye, these are the symptoms to look out for:

Red or pink tinge on the sclera, the white part of the eye.

Thick white, yellow, or yellow-green discharge from affected eye.

Crusty eyelids or eyelashes.

Swelling around the eye area.

Tears and a burning sensation.


Bacterial pink eye can clear up in a few days without medication if the infection is mild. Wash your hands often and avoid touching your eyes. Try a hot or cold compress to reduce swelling. Use artificial tears to add moisture if your eyes are itchy and irritated. If you wear contacts, remove and refrain from using them while your eyes are infected. It’s also best to throw out the infected contact lenses. Disinfect your eyewear. Throw out old makeup, especially mascara, and stop using makeup until the infection clears. Avoid sharing pillows, sheets, and towels while you’re battling the infection and change them often as well.

If these steps do not ease the irritation, seek the help of an ophthalmologist so you can be given proper medication. You may also be asked to stay at home to avoid contaminating others.

Also read: How to Get Rid of Pink Eye

Tips to Avoid Pink Eye

For beauty junkies, remember that aside from mascara, pressed powders such as eyeshadows are also carriers of germs and bacteria. It’s best to disinfect them regularly, especially if you tend to share them. Grab the following ingredients and get cleaning.

70 percent Isopropyl Alcohol (a higher percentage evaporates too fast)

Micellar water

Small spray bottle

Cotton swabs

Eye shadow and other makeup palettes

Clean excess powder around the palette with micellar water using a cotton swab.

Put alcohol in the spray bottle and spray directly onto the eyeshadows or whatever palette you have. Don’t spray too close or you’ll get it too wet. Let it dry then it will be safe to use the again.

Make sure to wipe off excess alcohol around your palette, especially if the packaging is just made of cardboard.

Don’t forgot to wash your eye makeup brushes (and the rest of them), regularly!

Mascara, unfortunately, can’t be cleaned with alcohol as it will affect the formulation. However, you can use disposable mascara brushes to minimize the chances of infection. The shelf life for mascara is two to three months.

Related article: How to Clean Makeup Brushes: The Lazy Girl’s Guide

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