November 16, 2020

What are Skin Tags?

What are skin tags? Skin tags are soft, flesh-colored, and non-cancerous growths on the skin. They can usually be found in areas where skin rubs against skin or clothes- the neck, armpits, the chest and groin areas, and even eyelids. What causes them is unclear for now, but they are considered harmless.

Skin tags are very common. Forty-six percent of people in America have them. They are also more common in adults aged 50 and above, but younger people who are overweight and suffer from diabetes can also have them. Pregnant women are also prone to having skin tags.

(Photo : Hans Braxmeier / Pixabay)
Skin tags are just excess skin. There’s no cause for alarm. They are not cancerous.

Skin tags are harmless, but they can be painful if they snagged by jewelry and rub against rough clothing. For these reasons and aesthetic purposes, most people prefer to remove them by over the counter medications or with the help of a doctor.

If you would rather try to deal with them at home, your main goal is to dry them out so they fall off on their own. Here are some home remedies to try:

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil has anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory properties. Commonly used to dry out acne, it may also work on skin tags. Make sure to clean the affected area first. Wash with soap and water. Use a Q-tip and gently swab the area with the oil. Cover with a bandage and leave on overnight. Repeat the process until the skin tag dries up and falls off.

Also read: Hydroquinone + Tretinoin + Mometasone Furoate SkinLite Cream

Apple Cider Vinegar

Wash affected area with soap and water. Soak a cotton swab in apple cider vinegar and cover the skin tag. Place a bandage over the skin tag and leave on for about 30 minutes. Wash and dry after. Do this for two weeks. Healthline states that the acetic acid from the vinegar should break down the skin tag’s surrounding tissue, and it should fall off eventually.

Read also: What is Skin Rejuvenating Set And How It Will Help You?

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