October 2, 2020 How to Stop Hair Loss with Natural Remedies

How to Stop Hair Loss with Natural Remedies

How to stop hair loss that affects thousands of women and men all over the world is quite easy. You probably wonder if it has something to do with what to eat. Perhaps it does, apart from the usual treatment regimen.

Remedies for hair thinning is what anyone needs when it causes inconvenience and loss of self-esteem. Stopping hair loss can be achieved by doing home remedies for hair growth and thickness.

(Photo: Baylee on Unsplash)
How to Stop Hair Loss with Natural Remedies

In many studies minor hair fall is a common thing among men and women; losing 50 to 100 strands a day is acceptable. However, if hair loss happens while combing, oiling, shampooing, and conditioning, then be doubtful.

One should think twice when extreme hair fall arises; it is highly possible that spending on products and treatment is on the way. Any simple alterations in your diet, hair care routine, and lifestyle choices can slow down hair fall.

How to stop hair loss

Here are the easiest ways for natural remedies to hair loss.

How to Stop Hair Loss with Natural Remedies

(Photo: Tijana on Unsplash)
How to Stop Hair Loss with Natural Remedies

Coconut Oil For Hair Loss

Dry and flaky scalp can cause moisture and irritation, which soon after leads to hair loss. If you’re looking for natural remedies, then use coconut oil, and massage it onto your scalp. Applying coconut oil to your scalp, covering the roots of your hair, promotes blood circulation and encourages hair growth.

How to Stop Hair Loss with Natural Remedies

(Photo: Pisauikan on Unsplash)
How to Stop Hair Loss with Natural Remedies

Aloe vera for hair loss

With so many uses, apart from healing several skin conditions, this amazing plant is also effective in calming and cleaning the scalp. How to stop hair loss using aloe vera? Take a piece of fresh aloe vera and massage the gel onto the scalp. Leave the gel for 20-30 minutes before washing with water.

How to Stop Hair Loss with Natural Remedies

(Photo: Louis on Unsplash)
How to Stop Hair Loss with Natural Remedies

Egg white for healthy hair

Research shows that women and men who don’t consume enough protein may experience hair thinning, fragility, and hair loss. Try this natural remedy! Separate the egg white and use it as a hair mask. This aids in cleansing the scalp, strengthening the hair, and promoting hair growth. You can alsl combine egg white with coconut oil and massage directly onto your scalp and hair. Leave the mixture for 20-30 minutes and wash it with water after.

How to Stop Hair Loss with Natural Remedies

(Photo: Anshu on Unsplash)
How to Stop Hair Loss with Natural Remedies

Apple cider vinegar for strong and clean hair follicles

Dirt and bacteria may clog the hair follicles, which stops the natural hair oil to work through the hair tip. This may cause irritation and flaky scalp and can lead to thinning of hair. Try this remedy! After getting the hair wet, give the hair a massage with apple cider vinegar. It contains minerals, vitamins, and anti-inflammatory agent which exfoliates the scalp as well.

How to Stop Hair Loss with Natural Remedies

(Photo: Thomas on Unsplash)
How to Stop Hair Loss with Natural Remedies

Onion juice for hair growth

It has a strong smell and makes people run away from you! However, onion juice contains extra sulfur and antibacterial properties that are excellent ingredients to fight scalp infections. Give onions a chance and try this natural remedy! Grind one onion and extract the juice then apply to your scalp (you can use a cotton ball). Let it sit for 20-30 minutes before rinsing with lukewarm water and shampoo.

Read Also : 7 Natural Herbs to Grow Hair – Fast!

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