In this article, we will walk you through the steps of using Maxi-Peel products properly for best results. In a nutshell, to indulge in the skin benefits that Maxi-Peel products deliver to the skin and avoid any side effects, follow the morning and night regimens shown below. By using Maxi-Peel products, you will cleanse, exfoliate, […]
How to Use RDL Baby Face No.3, No.2 and No.1
Using RDL Baby Face astringents the right way will help get the best results. So, how to use RDL Baby Face No.3, No.2 and No.1 astringents properly to get the best results? Before we answer this question, let’s shed some light on what RDL RDL Baby Face is used for. What is RDL Baby Face […]
How To Use Vitamin E On Face
When you think about skincare, vitamin EÂ is essential. Vitamin E comes in different variants when used as skincare product. Such as Vitamin E capsules, cream, lotion, moisturizers and soaps. But how to use vitamin E on face? it is very clear how to use the vitamin E moisturizer and soap on face. But how […]
How To Use Rejuvenating Set
Every skin rejuvenating set comes with a detailed instruction for how to use. However, different skin types require different methods of use. In this article, we will address three methods of use. We have found that those three methods are the most popular and effective ways for using rejuvenating set for different types of skin. […]