In this article, we have put a list of do’s and don’ts when it comes to using rejuvenating set. But first let’s talk a little about what rejuvenating set is for those who are not familiar with the same. A rejuvenating set comprises of soap, toner, day cream with SPF and night cream with peeling […]
What Will Happen If I Stop Using Rejuvenating Set?
What will happen if I stop using rejuvenating set? Will the good effects of rejuvenating set fade away? We receive these questions from our clients very often. The simple answer is no and yes! If you protect your skin and moisturize it as always, you will keep the good effects of using rejuvenating set. We […]
What Are The Effects Of Rejuvenating Set?
Peeling dead skin is one of the effects of using rejuvenating set. But do you know that our skin peels naturally? Desquamation is the body’s natural process of peeling. Or the shedding of dry, old, hardened skin cells so new cells can come to the surface. In an oily skin condition, desquamation can be slowed, […]
Treat Your Skin At Home Using Rejuvenating Set
Here’s what you need to know up front about Rejuvenating Sets story highlights Rejuvenating sets remove dry, dull skin cells and reveal smoother, more radiant skin underneath. And you can use simply at home. Finally, you can treat your skin at home by using rejuvenating set. No need to visit a clinic or a dermatologist […]
Maintenance After Using Rejuvenating Set
To know the appropriate way of maintenance after using rejuvenating set, you must first know what rejuvenating set does to your skin. story highlights Depending on your skin’s sensitivity, you may feel tingling, burning, itching, dryness, redness or tightness while using rejuvenating set, and see peeling or flaking within a week. Proper maintenance can help […]
Rejuvenating Cream and Toner Discoloration (turning to brown color)
If the color changes (from clear white-to-light-yellow, light-brown, brown, to dark brown) it does ‘NOT’ mean it has already expired or not safe to use. It has AGED, It is ‘Safe to Use’, and is ‘effective’. This applies for Rejuvenating Cream and Toner Discoloration. Don’t Freak Out About Rejuvenating Cream and Toner Discoloration The more […]
How Often Should I Use Rejuvenating Set?
There are no two ways about it, as you age, your face begins to deteriorate. Your skin gets less elastic, it gets lose and stretches out in different places, folds of skin begin to appear here and there, and let’s not forget the lines and wrinkles that form. Ageing has effects on your facial appearance […]
Rejuvenating Sets
Rejuvenating sets are very popular nowadays due to their tremendous benefits to the skin. But what is the best rejuvenating sets that suit your skin? Knowing that every skin is unique, we believe that each skin would be fit to one of the rejuvenating sets. You can find the most popular, tested and proven rejuvenating […]
Open Pores And How To Minimize?
None of us want to have huge open & gaping pores. So how can you possibly make a difference to the size of your pores and get a smoother & finer skin tone? Try one of Dr Alvin Rejuvenating sets. We recommend Rejumax Program 2 for moderate cases. If you don’t know which set is […]
Skin Magical Rejuvenating Set No. 1
If you have pekas/discoloration, you are not alone. Our Skin Magical Rejuvenating Set No. 1 can help you treat pekas/discoloration at home. Start with Skin Magical Rejuvenating Set No. 1 or send us a message to recommend the set that best fits you.