October 28, 2020 How Do Genetics Impact Your Skin?

How Do Genetics Impact Your Skin?

Want to know how genetics impact your skin? Look no further than your looks! Your genetics are responsible for the color of your hair, the size of your eyes… even the skin conditions you struggle with.

Breakouts: genetics and hormones are a major player in whether or not you experience breakouts. As a result, your parents and siblings may have a history of breakouts, and that could foreshadow how intensely you struggle with this condition.

Dry skin: Ask your parents, grandparents, even your aunts and uncles: did they ever struggle with dry skin? Because your predisposition to dry skin may be inherited.

Oiliness: Those of Mediterranean descent, with more olive skin and darker hair color, can be predisposed to overactive oil gland activity. Those with Scottish or Scandinavian lineage are less likely to have excess oiliness.

Sensitivity: Fair-skinned people may have fewer issues with oiliness, but they make up for it with a propensity towards sensitivity and redness. Some even refer to Rosacea as “the curse of the Celts,” making reference to those of Northwester樂威壯
n European descent.

Yes, our DNA defines us all. But, part of defining “you” comes from lifestyle choices. Battling breakouts? A day and night cleanse/tone/moisturize regimen with ingredients like Salicylic Acid can help minimize breakout-causing bacteria. Try using rejuvenating set will help you embark on this routine. Suffering with dry skin? Try upping your water intake, switching to a soap-free cleanser, and steering clear of hot showers. Try our moisturizer collection. Manage oily shine with a mattifying moisturizer, such as Matte Moisturizer. And sensitivity can be kept in check with soothing, cooling ingredients.

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